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Thursday, January 11, 2007

There is a super cool park by my house that River loves to go to. What makes it so cool is that its more like an escape to the country than a park. There isn't a playground or anything, but there are tons of dirt trails that spread out over acres and acres of park. Even though you're in the middle of the city, you feel like you're in the middle of nowhere. There are places like that in every town, and I'm sure glad to have one right by me. A couple of days ago River and I were driving by to go to the post office and noticed that there was not one single car in the parking lot. I just had to stop because River especially loves it when she can just run free and not be attached to a leash.

I don't remember if I've written about this already or not, but I started making duct tape wallets over the holiday break. Its really quite fun. I found about 6 different colors and just started going to town. Then I got the idea to paint designs on some of them. Here are a couple of examples.

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